Legal / Disclaimer

The photographs taken by Adam Oliver and / or watermarked by NorthWerk Photography, which are displayed on this website (, are subject to Canadian copyright laws; they may not be copied, reproduced, altered or used in any other way without the written consent of NorthWerk Photography.  Their display on this website is for artistic purposes only, with the intention of promoting the art of photography and encouraging discussion.  They are not displayed for commercial purposes.  Some of these photographs may be available for purchase through the Store; however, their purchase is separate from this website and subject to the conditions of the agreement between the buyer and the third-party marketplaceCertain privacy or licensing restrictions may apply.  NorthWerk Photography assumes no responsibility or liability in connection with the third-party marketplace and / or its use.  All other photographs displayed on this website, which were NOT taken by Adam Oliver and / or watermarked by NorthWerk Photography, are for editorial purposes only.  NorthWerk Photography is not responsible for any misuse of photographs displayed on this website.